140 Artiklar - FN idéer i 2021 regering, hiroshima, amnesty


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At the request of the EU Portuguese Presidency, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has evaluated the achievements of the past 25 years of EU railway policy and singled out areas for improvement, tapping into the potential of the European Year of Rail 2021. 2021-03-11 · Thanks to the excellent work by NGO Monitor, the Israeli Ministry for Strategic Affairs, and NGOs like Regavim, Palestinian Media Watch and Im Tirtzu, this fact is well-known in Israel. As Rapporteur for the Discharge of the EU Commission Budget 2019, I believe it is time to put an end to this, in the interest of peace and human life. by 2020-12-07 · Other reinforcements for 2021 reflect the top-ups to selected key EU programmes Parliament obtained in the deal with Council on the next long-term EU budget (MFF) 2021-2027. This is the case for Erasmus+ (+€175.1 million), Horizon Europe (research programme, +€20 million) and the EU4Health programme, the EU’s response to COVID-19, by a further €74.3 million. EU:s årliga budget antas vanligen före utgången av det föregående året.

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MFF top-ups: supporting the young, EU research and healthcare. Other reinforcements for 2021 reflect the top-ups to selected key EU programmes that Parliament obtained in the deal with Council on the next long-term EU budget (MFF) 2021-2027, approved on 16 December. On Wednesday, the text agreed with Council on 10 November on the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027 was approved with 548 votes in favour, 81 against and 66 abstentions. The text agreed with Council on the Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA) was approved with 550 votes in favour, 72 against and 73 abstentions.. €15 billion in top-ups for key EU programmes Amending letter no 1 to the 2021 EU Budget.

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The European Parliament can adopt it  The European Union has a budget to finance policies carried out at European level The The EU budget for the 2021–2027 period has expenditures of € 1,074.3 billion. Commission > Financial Programming and Budget · Interview 26 Mar 2021 Sign in - Please click here to login and see classified information GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration 26  As a rapporteur appointed by the CULT Committee of the European Parliament, Laurence Farreng addressed Agreement reached on EU budget 2021-2027. Revised 2021-2027 EU budget: recovery plan for Europe, less for education and rapporteurs for Erasmus+, Creative Europe and European Solidarity Corps,  2 Jan 2021 A €8.2 billion investment under EU budget 2021-27 The rapporteur Angelika Mlinar (ALDE, AT) said: “We are working to deliver the first  18 Dec 2020 For next year's budget, MEPs obtained better support for key EU of 30% of climate-relevant spending in the EU budget for the 2021-2027 period. EU institutions from functioning properly, said the rapporteur for 28 Aug 2020 In an open letter to the European Parliament's Co-Rapporteurs on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, our President stresses that the EU  23 Jul 2020 Massimiliano Salini regrets budget cuts in EU 2021-2027 Space Salini (EPP, Italy), rapporteur for the European Parliament on the EU Space  30 Jul 2020 Finally, the European Commission has presented and held an CAP Budget 2021-2027 : In response to the crisis, meet more challenges with less budget Dorfmann (EPP for ComAgri) being the appointed rapporteurs.

Eu budget 2021 rapporteur

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The 2021 budget will be complemented by actions to support the COVID-19 recovery, which will be funded by Next Generation EU, the EU's €750 billion pandemic recovery plan. EU budget for 2021: Council agrees position (press release, 9 September 2020) EU local and regional leaders gathered in Sofia on 7 June calling for averting the 10% cuts to cohesion policy planned by the European Commission in its proposal for the EU budget 2021-2027. Together with the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, they called for securing sufficient resources and improving rules in order to ensure that reducing disparities by involving local actors EU Long-Term Budget 2021 - 2027: extracts from the roundtable with the co-rapporteurs Seminar for journalists on MFF - Multimedia Centre. During the plenary session (10-13 February 2020) of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, roundtable debate takes place with EP negotiators for media. MFF top-ups: supporting the young, EU research and healthcare. Other reinforcements for 2021 reflect the top-ups to selected key EU programmes that Parliament obtained in the deal with Council on the next long-term EU budget (MFF) 2021-2027, approved on 16 December.

5. (EU, Euratom) No 608/2014 Rapporteur for the opinion : Hayer Valérie (Renew) EN. Draft opinion - PE680.978 - Proposal for a Regulation 2020-12-11 2021-02-15 Erasmus+ 2021-2027: Budget tripled for the 2021-2027 period.
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Chair (2021) of Vanguard Initiative | Marjolein Boezel, CEO Van Raam Reha Bikes B.V., Director DIH Boost Smart Industry | Hans Kornmann, CEO Divitel | Domenico Guida, Digital Innovation Project Manager, ART-ER S It is the main tool for customs policy financed by the long-term 2021-2027 EU budget and is designed to improve cooperation and build IT capacity that will help to ease trade. A central element of the programme is the further development and operation of the European electronic systems used by European customs authorities, which are necessary to guarantee EU-wide cooperation and implement 1 day ago The EP’s negotiating team for the next long-term EU budget and Own Resources reform. Johan Van Overtveldt (ECR, BE), Chair of the Committee on Budgets. Jan Olbrycht (EPP, PL), MFF co-rapporteur. Margarida Marques (S&D, PT), MFF co-rapporteur.

Ajankohtaista Parlamentin jäsenet Tietoa parlamentista Täysistunto Valiokunnat Valtuuskunnat Palveluksessasi AKTUELLT – Vad händer?. Vid det ovanligt långa EU-toppmötet, 17-21 juli 2020, enades medlemsländernas stats- och regeringschefer om två förslag: dels unionens nästa budget för 2021-2027 och dels om en ny fond för att hjälpa de mest drabbade medlemsländerna i coronakrisen. 30 procent av pengarna i både budgeten och återhämtningsfonden ska gå till klimatåtgärder.
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Implementation Amending budgets. 22 January 2021. Draft amending budget No 1/2021.