Arcam lanserar SOLO, ny lifestyle produkt. - Förstärkare


Arcam Solo Uno - HembioConsult

Säljes av ulf. Inlagd: 2021-03-28 11:23. Uppdaterad: 2021-03-28 11:41 Arcam Solo Music (2016) Spara produkten till en lista. Informera mig när priset sjunker. Jämför med andra produkter. Priser. Info.

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The first time I encountered the Arcam Solo was at last year's (2005) Bristol hi-fi show. I liked the styling but didn't think much of it, as this sort of machine isn't for me, I thought. When I visited the Arcam factory a few months ago I was shown the Solo again, this time playing music from an iPod Nano and through the little Arcam Alto standmount speakers. The Arcam Solo has, for a while, been something of a benchmark system at this price level. True, this product wasn't the first all-in-one hi-fi to deliver great sound in a compact package, but it was the first to be a viable separates alternative, even for those who put sound quality first. 2005-07-24 The Arcam control app is now available on Android.

Bedienungsanleitung Peavy Solo 28 Seiten

When I visited the Arcam factory a few months ago I was shown the Solo again, this time playing music from an iPod Nano and through the little Arcam Alto standmount speakers. När Arcam lanserade Solo bar med den tillhörande Solo sub blev de direkt uppmärksammade för sitt tunga ljud och otroligt mångsidiga funktionalitet, och fick en rad fantastiska recensioner från olika håll. Men Arcam visste redan då att det fanns potential för mycket mer! Därför har man sedan dess arbetat på en ny mjukvara, som fullständigt omdefinierar prestandan.

Arcam solo

Arcam Solo Movie 5.1

The Arcam Solo, paired with Arcam Alto speakers, provides excellent amplification and CD playback with very good AM/FM performance. The amplifier section, rated by Arcam at 75 watts continuous into 4 ohms, is voiced just a touch warm, but I do not think it ever departs very far from neutrality. Although Arcam has chosen to enter the semi-obscure CD-receiver market with the Solo, a sector virtually owned by Denon below £500, it has opted for a £1000 price point. As such, its only rival is The astonishingly compact Solo Mini stereo receiver turns that journey on its ear. But Arcam has had the ear of audiophiles for over 30 years.

Men vilka fler respektabla tillverkare gör liknande maskiner som  Hämta och upplev Arcam Control på din iPhone, iPad och iPod touch. trying to connect to solo movie 5.1, going around in circles, support just sending the  Arcam lanserar SOLO, ny lifestyle produkt. - postad i Förstärkare, recievers, slutsteg och processorer: Arcam lanserar den nya produkten SOLO  The Arcam Solo Movie System delivers music and movie sound of the same high Next Day Delivery from HiFix The Hi Fi Professionals | Authorised Arcam  Arcam Solo (Säljes). andhofvs annonser Arcam Solo CD/receiver säljes. Radio ur funktion, annars i fint skick. OBS priset!
Iv an

Ljudet blir lika bra med musik som med film, där också den virtuella surroundkänslan imponerar. Bij Arcam stond de naam Solo altijd voor alleskunners die een ranke vorm combineerden met veel functionaliteit, zoals een Blu-rayspeler. De scherper geprijsde Solo Uno doet het anders. Gedaan met schijvendraaiers, deze Arcam-versterker is kleiner dan ooit en zet volledig in op streaming.

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Steve's - Arcam - The Audio Circuit

St The first time I encountered the Arcam Solo was at last year's (2005) Bristol hi-fi show. I liked the styling but didn't think much of it, as this sort of machine isn't for me, I thought. When I visited the Arcam factory a few months ago I was shown the Solo again, this time playing music from an iPod Nano and through the little Arcam Alto standmount speakers. The Solo bar and Solo sub are designed to offer unrivalled performance and class leading specifications. Extremely rigid materials and high quality construction methods have been incorporated into both products to prevent and dispel resonance, which can colour and distort the sound. Se hela listan på Solo movie erbjuder Arcams legendariska ljudkvalitet i ett kompakt format för stora musik och filmupplevelser.